Monday, May 23, 2011


Usually when I take a blurry photo, and that is often, I immediately delete it. This one, however, stuck with me. I'm not sure if it is because the this is how I imagine them when they run - just a blur, or the tongue flapping, the curve of the spine, the spit flying or the joy that is apparent even though you can't see the details. Maybe it is that it looks a little like impressionist art. I don't know, I can't figure it out.


Brains, Bones and Behavior said...

It's a turkey :)

Adien Crafts said...

I think it looks like Impressionist art too, it's fast, just as a greyhound should be, great photo! xxx

Berts Blog said...

I like your blog so we are going to start checking in daily. Love the photo of the day.

I have a greyhound friend who comes and stays with us twice a month for a few days each time.

We call him "Squeese Cheese Larry"
Thats cause he gets the squeese cheese can off the cupboard and somehow squeeses it and when My Vickie gets home she finds squeese cheese all over the ceiling and walls.

Sometimes it is funny to my Vickie but mostly she just cusses herself for forgetting to put the squeese cheese on a higher shelf.

See ya soon
