Friday, June 12, 2009


My foster dog, Lulu (a.k.a. Dru), has been with me one week today. When I met her for the first time 3 weeks ago at the AGR kennel I was shooting photos of the dogs available for adoption/foster. I try with all that I have not to go to the kennel. It is just a dangerous place for me. (You remember the Atari game Pitfall? I’m the little guy working to get out of the jungle and the dogs and leashes are the snakes and tarpits trying to suck me into their world.) Me at the kennel is akin to letting my niece loose in the mall with a no limit gift card; she’s coming home with something.

I had tagged along with Phyllis, a friend with a much stronger constitution than myself. She volunteers at the kennel twice a month and only has one greyhound. I am, so far, 5 for 6. That’s right: 5 dogs in 6 visits. Now to be fair...3 of the dogs have gone on to their adoptive homes, 1 is Willow, my adoptive hound, (I went out the first time with the intent of finding a dog) and lastly, Dru, is my current foster. Those tallies don’t include Breeze, my other adopted dog. She was a special case and we are going to talk about her quite a bit in later posts. She’s one of the primary reasons I’ve started this blog.

Anyway, I told Phyllis I was not allowed to foster or adopt another dog and that she could not transport one home in her car for me. Dru, was the second dog I met. Playful, loving, fantastic personality, all apparent in the 3 minute walk we took around the turn-out area. I mentioned to Phyllis I wanted to take Dru home, to which she responded appropriately…’No. You may not foster or adopt and I will not transport a dog home in my car today’. So we went home dogless but not photoless (see below).

I then continued to think about Dru for the following 2 weeks and last week when I learned she was still down at the kennel I requested to foster her. She has fit into the household amazingly well, though she has been a quite reserved; fairly typical as she gets used to new surroundings, new rules, new schedules and the freedom to roam a house.

Well this morning she burst out of her shell like the Alien out of the guy’s chest: unstoppable, looking for trouble, and all over the place. She led the other 2 dogs on a merry game of chase throughout the house and outside; creating a track beginning at the back bedroom door, proceeding outside around the perimeter of the yard, continuing in through the other back door, then traipsing through kitchen, dining, living, bedroom and outside again for full crazy dog sprints. She pulled most every toy out of the toy box and tossed them around, sliding on wood floors and pouncing on dog beds. She then found my shoes, socks, and anything eye level and below as her next victims; something she had yet to do.

Those of you with greyhounds won’t find this behavior all too unusual as you are accustomed to short bursts of activity from your hounds. This activity, however, went on for about 30 minutes and it was after the hour trip to the dog park and walking path. I spent a good portion of the morning watching her and laughing with her as she started to realized her new found freedom as a retiree.

Dru playing with her new squeaky toy

Note: I am no way affiliated with AGR (Arizona Greyhound Rescue) except as an occasional volunteer for events/fundraisers and as a photographer volunteer to do photos of the dogs.

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