Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is when you really test your freeze, flight or fight skills. Every molecule in your body is saying "RUN! There's something coming at you really fast. Move! Now!". There's a reason for it. It makes sense to get out of harms way.

The rational side of your brain is saying "Stand still. If you stand still they won't hit you." It is really hard not to bitch slap the rational part of your brain and take off at a full sprint. But if you do, you will end up being plowed down by 65 pounds of muscle going 30 MPH. And when that happens it's gonna' hurt.


Sue said...

Bet he jinked at the last minute. Song loves to do that to me.

Elaine Pritchard said...

Hope no-one got hurt! LOL!!!

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! Treat used to do that to my husband, I swear just because she knew it nearly made him pee his pants! She could literally turn on a dime. I never ever saw her misjudge it, either!

jet said...

Barbie does that to me when I recall her in big open spaces. At the park the other day she also ran through the poles holding up a gazebo at top speed like they were weave poles, and then picked a gap between two other dogs who were chasing a ball to run through. Everyone had their fingers crossed, even me!

Brains, Bones and Behavior said...

Brynda had to learn that the day we did the "experiment". Ever since that day, she's figured out how to keep up with Micah when he does his hairpin turns.